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Thursday, 7 November 2013


Hypermediacy is a logic which is about how a certain type of media represents itself in a way that reminds the viewer of the medium. It is also where video graphics, audio and hyperlinks intertwine, like on a website where there would be many different texts, images and videos all on the one page for you to look at. "It is a media that offers random access"(Bolter, Pg 31, 2000), from this texts the theorist is trying to point out that the media has changed from the command-line interface to the graphical interface. Command-line interfaces consisted of text only and there was no random access about it because text was simply the only thing in it where as a graphical interface can consist of many things like text, video, audio and hyperlinks or a lot of the time they consist of all of these which makes the interface look like it is not there so that browsing these sites feels more natural and flowing rather than stiff and rigid(Bolter, Pg 31, 2000).

Hypermediacy is an example of our overall interest in the medium itself. "an entirely new kind of media experience born from the marriage of TV and computer technologies."(Bolter, Pg 31, 2000) We have become so fascinated in the medium that it spreads all over our media, like in the film "True lies" where a man has a double life, one as a normal guy in an office and then the other as a spy which is nearly surreal and us as an audience love this which shows our expression of desire to be the likes of spy. Video games are another source to which we show our extreme fascination of the media in and as new games come out that are better and more crisp than the last, it becomes even harder to put the controller down. Take the game "The Last Of Us" for example, Naughty Dog were well known for their compelling stories in the Uncharted series but no one expected them to create a game like this, it had more drama and close to tears moments than most films and the story and graphics were so good, that you could of mistaken it for a film and this is an example of how people can be so fascinated by the media.

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This is a class blog for students enrolled on the History and Analysis of New Media Module at The University of Ulster. Please keep comments constructive to help students progress with the given text