"Modernism is the umbrella term we give to the way that human society responded to the changes that took place during the industrial revolution." (Creeber p.12 2009) modernism which started with industrial revolution was changed lots of human human behavior and mind.when God-centerede and theocratic system was completely defeated , people tried to find different system and method for doing something. this trying was for doing better human life.when happend this things, worker class gained some right and possibility for leisure time and activity.Afterthat showing up"everyday culture" to be found in pulp novels, the cinema, television, comics, newspaper, magazines and so on. Andreas Huyssen point out, modernism was almost consistently 'relentless in its hostility to mass culture'(1986.238)
When Frankfurt School evalute modernism with marxists approach, they highlighted fordism effect on mass culture. Fordism was a term coined to describe Henry Ford's succes in the automobile industry, his improvement mass production methods. (Creeber p.12 2009) on the other hand, ford producted car which is fast manufactured and cheap was culture industry. Because lots of people can afford to buy this car and buying car was very common and popular for lower to upper class people.
Post modenism means that economic transition has taken place from a manufacturing based economy to service based economy. "Consumption and leisure now determine our experiences rather than work and production." For example company symbol and slogan are meaning making. 'Goverments or offical ' can not do everything but companys and brand effects people with postmodernism. For instance lots of people don't know leaf represent which tree but this people know fastfood , music, technology or other brands logo easily in the current word.
Creeber, G and Martin R. 2009, Digital Cultures Open University Press.