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Wednesday 30 October 2013

New Media as a Cyborgian Encounter

Stiegler states "The concept of 'human is unthinkable without technology but we act as if it is" (Shaw,2008,p81) This means that we have became dependent on technology and like cyborgs, technology is a fundamental part of our lives.

Theorists such as Stelarc and Steigler argue that the concept of the natural body is absurd and that we are a product of technology. It can be argued that anything we do in modern life we rely on machines and technology. This can be dated back to William Harvey's discovery of the circulatory system as without the use of technology this discovery wouldn't have been possible therefore our understanding of the circulatory system would not have developed and progressed like it has.

Foucault uses the example of a well disciplined army as a comparison to how humans can work like a machine. He explains how the body of a solider is 'manipulated,shaped and trained so that it obeys, responds, becomes skillful and increases its forces' (Foucault, 1991, p136) An army works like a well oiled machine in the way that if one part isn't functioning properly the machine or in this case the army, would break down. He also states that the solider is 'controlled by the technologies of war' which shows that soldiers are putting their lives in the hands of a machine.

Technology has became such a substantial part of our lives that most people would struggle to cope without it. We under estimate how much of an important part technology is to the modern human. As technology grows and develops it is terrifying to think how controlling and powerful technology can become.

Foucault,M (1980) Power/Knowledge
Shaw,D (2008) Technoculture: The Key Concepts

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This is a class blog for students enrolled on the History and Analysis of New Media Module at The University of Ulster. Please keep comments constructive to help students progress with the given text