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Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Cyborgs and New media

'A cyborg is a human who has certain physiological processes aided or controlled by mechanical or electronic devices' (Thefreedictionary, web) Technology has become increasingly important in our society. We have become increasingly dependent on our technology and rarely spend any time without using technology. 'The concept of human is unthinkable without technology but we act as if it is' (Shaw 2008 pg:81) We have become so used to having technology that we now could not live without it. It is a part of our lives and makes us who we are as humans.

There is a constant need to have technology in our society. Whether its a new type of phone, the latest gaming console or a new laptop. We feel the need to have technology and could not function without certain technologies such as mobile phones or laptops which we use on a daily basis. If the electric goes off in our society today everyone is sent into a panic as they can't use many of their technologies. Technology and media are everywhere. It shapes the way we live our lives. It's involved with our social lives, in our work and is used or seen regularly throughout each day. 'We have always been prosthetic bodies. In other words, technology should not be considered an adjunct to the body or in opposition to it but as a determinant of its ontology' (Shaw 2008 pg:81) In other words, technology is a part of who we are. 

'Stelarc's work deorganizes the body by drawing attention to the way technology extends, amplifies, invades and shapes contemporary bodies' (Shaw 2008 pg:81) This can be linked to new media which is constantly growing and developing. Because new media is digitalized. It can be used anywhere and at anytime. These technologies include mobile phones, portable gaming consoles and laptops. 

'Dead Bodies and Lively machines' (Shaw 2008) is a case study in which a woman is in a coma and being kept alive only by machines. A man named 'Banegro' is in love with the girl and is eventually arrested for raping and impregnating her. The story shows another importance of technology as the machines are actually able to keep the girl alive. 'So the film makes the link between technological undeath and the fantasy of human perfectibility' (Shaw 2008 pg:96)


Shaw, D 2008 'Technoculture: The Key concepts' Oxford Berg Press

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This is a class blog for students enrolled on the History and Analysis of New Media Module at The University of Ulster. Please keep comments constructive to help students progress with the given text